Bernard, my 12-year old German Shepherd. The love of my life and absolute favorite being on earth. He is the reason I picked up a camera in 2012. I introduce my 'Animals' series with him, because Bernard, like all animals are pure and perfect, with no intentional or conscious flaws. Hope you enjoy these images as much as I enjoy petting, hugging and photographing them! _________________________________________________________________________

Central Park

Cusco, Peru

Lima, Peru

Oaxaca, Mexico

Street dogs with tags in La Habana, Cuba

Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

Pereira, Colombia

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Brooklyn, New York

Salento, Colombia

San Andres, Colombia

The Grand Canyon, Arizona

Queens, New York

Tato's pigs in Luquillo, Puerto Rico.

Tato's pigs in Luquillo, Puerto Rico.

Tato's pigs in Luquillo, Puerto Rico.

Arequipa, Peru

Manizales, Colombia

Pereira, Colombia

My father rescued this baby squirell and took care of him for three weeks. Nutty.

Salento, Colombia

Mexico City, Mexico

Cusco, Peru